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What Can You Expect From After A Nose Job Surgery?

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    Today's generation is highly concerned about the way they look. Especially the young woman who wants every part of their face to look perfect. You will find many people who are not happy with their nose structure. This is why they check out for a Nose job in Dubai. But, the reality is many are not aware of the surgery's result. Here is the list of changes you will notice after a nose job.

    • Change In The Complete Nose Structure

    You will notice a great change in your nose structure. You will definitely feel unnatural when you see the mirror because you are not used to the new shape. The size will either increase or decrease based on your choice, and you must accept it.

    • Shape Change Of Nostrils

    Of course, there will be a noticeable shape change in the nostrils. This may look odd, and it will take time to accept the fact. Due to some factors, such as swelling, scar tissue formation and splints, the nostrils may look uneven for a short time.

    • Reduction In Nose Tip And Bridge

    After a Nose job in Dubai, you will clearly find a reduction in the nose tip and bridge. It may make you feel comfortable for some days. The nasal tip will get smaller than usual after rhinoplasty.

    • Change In Facial Appearance

    Your facial appearance will definitely change after nose surgery. Your entire face may look completely different than earlier.

    These are the common chances after undergoing a Nose job in Dubai. If you are considering giving your nose a new look, consult a rhinoplasty surgeon following updated techniques.

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