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The next generation fully advanced programmed filter press

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    We offer an extensive range of filter presses with sidebar knowledge suitable for both normal, medium-duty, and for heavy-duty performance stages. Supreme flexibility of Filter press is provided by selecting between simple to fully automated filter press design plans. Our filter presses are upgradable in terms of units and features and can be tailored to your exact needs and requirements. For the flawless dewatering of tailings, our filter presses are consequently constructed in terms of technology and economy. The best features of our Filter press are as follows

    Supreme performance, and efficient maintenance

    When sifting any slurry, even the small process disruptions add up. To retain your operations functioning at high levels, all mechanisms of our Automatic Filter Presses are intended for quick & trouble-free maintenance.

    We have Proven, and high-performance design

    Some of the features of our Filter press include push closure cylinders mounted at the center line of the press, a rolling head for plate stacks long, a programmed cloth washing device, extensive beams, and drip trays for liquid control. Filter media is available in a diversity of materials and pile patterns. The Vibratory discharge assist is given by a hydraulically activated shaker that transmits a vibration straight to the filter cloths when more chambers fail to empty totally. To lessen the effects of vibration on additional system components, the shaker mechanism is maintained on a separate frame system.

    Benefits Of Our Fully Automatic Filter Presses

    • It has Fewer parts for a very easy maintenance
    • It always Captures a high amount of solids
    • In some zones, it is the only device proficient in producing a cake that is dry and adequate to meet landfill necessities
    • It has a large processing capacity
    • It has an extended service life and reliable
    • It requires only low energy consumption