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Types Of Heart Disease Treated By The Cardiologist

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    Patients can receive top-notch cardiology and vascular care from a cardiologist in Maryland. Each provider's top priority is to serve everyone they treat with the best possible patient care.

    To provide convenient cardiac treatment, Maryland Cardiology offers several procedures that can be completed on site. The Maryland cardiologist conducts thorough examinations and tests to find issues affecting the heart and arterial circulation system. Prioritizing patient comfort during diagnostic tests and therapies is every doctor's aim.

    Having a compassionate team of healthcare professionals by your side is crucial since anything that affects your heart can be frightening. A cardiologist in Maryland has built a vascular lab that provides peripheral artery disease diagnostic and interventional therapies in a welcoming and comfortable environment. The team works tirelessly to reduce your anxiety and care for your cardiovascular problems in the best way possible.

    Types of heart disease treated in Maryland are:

    Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

    CAD is the most basic cardiac ailment. If you have CAD, your coronary arteries, which deliver blood to your heart, are blocked. Your heart muscle may receive less blood. As a result, depriving it of the oxygen which will make the muscle dead Atherosclerosis generally precedes the start of the disease, also known as the hardening of the arteries. Chest pain, commonly known as angina, is a sign of coronary heart disease and can result in a heart attack.

    Heart Arrhythmias

    Your heart's rhythm is erratic when you have an arrhythmia. Serious arrhythmias can occur independently but frequently result from other heart issues.

    Heart Failure

    Your heart may not pump blood as effectively as it should to meet your body's needs if you have heart failure. Coronary artery disease is the most common cause. However, other conditions such thyroid disease, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and others may also be involved.

    Heart Valve Disease

    Your heart has four valves that open and close to regulate blood flow between its four chambers, the lungs, and blood vessels. A deviation could make it difficult for a valve to open and close properly. Your blood flow may get obstructed, or blood may leak. Perhaps your valve doesn't open and closes properly.


    This infection is typically brought on by bacteria, which can enter the bloodstream and establish themselves in the heart during illness, during surgery, or after using intravenous medications. It frequently occurs when you already have valve issues, It is typically curable with antibiotics, but when left untreated, it is a severe threat to life.

    Rheumatic heart disease

    This illness arises when rheumatic fever, connected to strep throat and scarlet fever, damages your heart muscle and valves. Early in the 20th century, rheumatic heart disease was more widespread. However, by using antibiotics to treat illnesses,  doctors can now prevent them. The signs and symptoms typically appear many years after the infection, and the treatment starts late, making it worse.

    If you have chest pain or shortness of breath symptoms, make an appointment with the closest cardiologist in Maryland as soon as possible.

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