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    Dogs and man have always had a close relationship. They have helped us with numerous tasks, and we in turn have provided them with shelter, food and love. But there is a host of time-honored traditions involving the dog and we humans. Probably the most famous of stories are 메리트카지노 the ones about dogs that have pined to death after their owners have died. Even some of these stories are recorded and considered to be true.

    Dogs lovers abound, and most of us consider meeting a dog a lucky event. This is especially true according to tradition if the dog is black and white spotted, such as a Dalmatian. In the sporting community, a greyhound sporting a white spot on its forehead is thought to guarantee one's good fortune. In other circles however, there are those who become very nervous if followed be an unknown dog, especially a black one. In fact, in Scotland and Lancashire this is considered to be an omen of death. Interestingly though, in West Country lore being followed by a black dog is considered to be lucky.

    A dog's behavior is traditionally said to reveal a lot of things. For example, if a dog scratches himself, but seems sleepy, then a change in the weather will occur. If a dog eats grass or rolls in the dust, then rain may be expected. And according to US folklore, if a dog falls asleep with its paws drawn up and its tail pointing straight out, then death will appear in the direction that the tail was pointing.

    There are lots of superstitions regarding dogs and death and the afterlife. Since dogs are widely known to have psychic susceptibilities, many of their owners will tell stories about haunted places that their dogs have been near. Some stories tell about how the dog will refuse to walk into the haunted place, and even have their hackles raised at some apparent apparition which is invisible to the human eye. And the black dog is very much feared in some cultures as the harbinger of death and disaster. It is even claimed that the devil will sometimes take the form of a dog while traveling along on his diabolical activities.

    Many people dread the howling of a dog for no apparent reason. The thought is that the dog has detected the presence of unseen apparitions or evil forces and is warning its owners of someone's imminent demise. Back in Medieval Poland and Germany, it was thought that a group of dogs howling incessantly meant the approach of the plague. It was also thought that if a howling dog is driven away, but soon returns to resume its vocalization, this is certainly an omen of death. On the other hand, if a dog howls three times and then remains silent, it is a sign that a death has already taken place. Also, it was once believed that if a dog howled on Christmas Eve it will be fated to go mad before the end of the year. Consequently, many otherwise healthy animals were destroyed as a result of this belief.

    Our faithful companion the dog has a lot of surprising superstitions and folklore that shroud its past. Many people today probably don't know even know one of these old superstitions about our dogs. But that's O.K. We're just too busy enjoying our pooches as our best friends and companions for life.

    For most of us, our dogs are truly part of the family. We like to take them along for everything from errands around town to the family vacation. Dog parks have sprung up everywhere and there are doggy daycare centers to "babysit" your pooch while you're at work. You can even take your dog to the doggy spa. Because Americans are so attached to their pets, many public places have become pet friendly.

    The important thing to remember when you take your dog in public is, not everyone loves dogs. Some people are allergic to dogs, some people are afraid of dogs, and some people just find dogs to be "unsanitary". Everyone has their own opinion regarding dogs in public. Some public places where dogs are now welcome include, outdoor restaurants, pet stores, parks and outdoor festivals.

    If you are going to take your dog out in public, make sure you know the rules or restrictions for the location you will be visiting. Small dogs can be carried in a bag, but if they are not restrained in a tote, make sure to have them on a leash. Larger dogs always need to be leashed. Your dog should have basic obedience training and be well mannered and well controlled. However, even the most well behaved dog can forget his manners if he gets excited, and you can't always control the environment. Also, always be prepared to clean up after your dog.

    If you are going to take your dog out with you, he needs to be relaxed around strangers and lots of activity and noise. Keep in mind, people that like dogs will probably want to reach out and pet your furry friend and children are likely to be right at your dogs face level. If you have any doubt about how Duke or Fluffy will behave, leave them at home. Its not worth the potential problems that could arise.

    Another thing to consider is how your dog will behave or react around other dogs. For many family pets, this is not a problem as they are willing to make friends with everyone, human and canine alike. Certain breeds are more likely to be dog aggressive and if you are not certain how your pooch will behave around other dogs, don't even attempt to take him to the local pet store or dog park.

    This issue is something I have had to consider with my own dogs. As much as I would love to take my Dobermans out with me, I know it is not the best idea. Although they are all friendly (as long as there is no threat!) and they all love to meet people, they are not used to being around a lot of strangers. They are also not used to being around young children, and I know my male Doberman is dog aggressive. So, even though I know how wonderful my dogs are, I know better than to think other people would share my feelings!

    The bottom line is, use common sense and common courtesy when planning an outing with your favorite four-legged family member.

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