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The Best Domestic Violence Attorney Santa Ana

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    If you or someone you know has been falsely accused of domestic violence, it's of paramount importance that you contact a domestic violence attorney Santa Ana who can legally advise you on how to proceed and represent you if things go to a trial. At Jos Family Law, our domestic violence defense attorneys are the best chance you have to defend yourself against false allegations. You'd want someone by your side who can protect your freedom.
    Domestic Violence is a Serious Accusation
    Any conviction on the grounds of domestic violence can have serious consequences in your personal life beyond jail time. Upon even an allegation, you may lose out on your employment and may have to enroll in a domestic batterer's program. You can also lose your firearm and face jail time.
    It gets worse if you and your ex-spouse are engaged in a divorce battle. Upon the accusation, you're likely to lose out on custody of your child and demand alimony from your ex-spouse. In some instances, social services get involved, putting the child into state custody until the couple legally separates or both individuals attend classes to better communicate with their children. This social services charge is separate from the criminal proceedings of domestic violence and may require additional representation and fees.
    This is why having a domestic violence attorney Santa Ana on your side is of paramount importance.
    For a consultation regarding your case, call (714) 733-7066 today.

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