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Hair transplant for Women

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    About one-third of women suffer hair loss. Hair loss in women has more impact than hair loss does on men as it is less socially accepted. Female pattern baldness can be treated with hair transplant as male pattern baldness. In female pattern baldness, women suffer from thinning of hair or widening of partition. Complete baldness is rare in women. Hair transplant in Chandigarh is a better solution for female hair loss as there are specialized doctors who treat hair loss of women. They provide effective result by providing density and lowering hairline for women.

    Before considering hair transplant for women, you should consult best hair transplant clinic so that experts can analyze the pattern of hair loss. Kabera global a leading hair transplant clinic in Chandigarh has expert doctors who provide excellent result in treating both male and female hair loss. You can get free consultation for hair transplant at Kabera Global.

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