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How many burp cloths do babies need?

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    All babies are messy. When burping, drooling, or feeding are involved, you get surprised by how much mess comes out of a tiny tot. While shopping for your baby, you come across a variety of products. Even when choosing clothes or diapers, you ask yourself whether they are safe for the baby. While feeding a baby, you need to burp them as they swallow air while drinking.

    Spitting is normal. When they spew and get sticky, it is time to use burp cloths. It is protective wear for your little one to keep the spit off everyone’s clothes and objects.

    How many to buy?

    The number of cloth you need depends on how often the little one spits up and the laundry cycle. Generally, you require eight to 14 clothes, which you need to clean after every feed. Newborn babies are usually fed around eight to 12 times a day.


    These clothes are a versatile item to have on your utility belt. They are great for wiping the drool while using baby teethers, wiping hands after eating solids, emergency bibs, thin summer blankets, and playing games.

    Washing them

    Everything that comes out of your baby’s stomach can stain a burp cloth. Wash them after every use. If you want to remove the stains, use the product on the soiled area and rub the stain before washing. Dry them outside or on low heat in the dryer. Many parents prefer to use a mild detergent suitable for babies’ sensitive skin.

    Best material

    As long as the material is soft for your baby’s delicate skin and durable to keep using through the initial years, be happy. Some babies prefer a breathable and thick burp cloth, whereas others find Terry and cotton knits less sweaty. Flannel is a good option during winters.

    Other products

    Most babies have a strong sucking reflex. Beyond helping with nutrition, sucking has a soothing effect. Baby pacifiers are the key to contentment between feedings. They soothe a fussy baby and keep them happy while offering temporary distractions during and after shots, blood tests, or other medical procedures. If your baby has trouble settling down, the pacifier helps them sleep.

    It eases discomfort during flights as there are air pressure changes. According to experts, pacifiers help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Until your baby is six months old with a mature immune system, frequently boil pacifiers, and wash them with soap and water.

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