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Tips for choosing the right baby care products

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    Babies have sensitive skin as their immune system develops in the early months. Hence, exposing them to the proper environment is important. But despite stable conditions, some issues like dry skin, diaper rash, red itchy patches, cradle cap, etc... become unavoidable. The only way to subside their effects is through skincare. You will find several baby care products available in the market for this purpose.

    They range from baby shampoo, lotion, cream, body wash, oil, etc. They keep your baby moisturized and nourished. Additionally, they get medically treated to alleviate symptoms of skin irritation. But not all products are worth the investment. Some of them do more harm than good. Hence, choosing the right ones becomes essential. You do this by studying them carefully. Here are some tips for guidance:

    Check for chemicals

    Most products contain chemicals. This is cause for concern for many parents. But if you want to become an intelligent customer, read the label before buying. It shows the ingredients list for scrutiny. Check if it contains harsh soaps, alcohol, parabens, dyes, phthalates, etc. They have harmful effects on an infant's skin causing discomfort and allergic reactions.

    Go for hypoallergenic

    Besides checking for harmful chemicals, you should also understand allergens. If you are confused, go for hypoallergenic products. They are formulated to avoid any allergic reactions. You identify them by checking paediatrician and dermatologist approvals. Most branded products like baby face cream, talc, wipes, etc... adhere to these standards.

    Consider pH balance

    As baby skin is sensitive, it gets easily affected by the irritants in the environment. Maintaining a neutral pH balance helps in controlling this. Hence, you should buy baby care supplies that take this into account. The normal range is a pH balance of 5.5 to 7.7. Spot this on the packaging to make an informed purchase.

    Consult paediatrician

    Despite the research, you might get confused by the complex ingredients. Moreover, you cannot be too sure while choosing products for your little one. Hence, asking a paediatrician for suggestions based on your infant's needs is a good choice for making an informed decision.

    Designed for babies

    There are safe products, and there are baby-safe products. Both sound the same but are vastly different. Products like baby body wash, massage oil, soap bars, body lotion, etc... are specifically designed for babies. Manufacturers consider unique needs while creating them. Therefore, you should opt for brands specifically catering to babies.

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