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Pour Over Coffee Drip Brewing Guide

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    If you're still trying to learn how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, then we've got some tips and tricks to help you learn. We want you to make the perfect coffee every time.

    At a coffee shop, you can spend $3 a day on the things you get there. You can spend $90 a month, or $1,080 a year. Or you can spend $0 a day, and buy your own coffees at the grocery store. So what is it? You’ll save money if you learn how to make pour-over coffee at home. It tastes just as delicious as coffee shop coffee, and you save time and money.

    Coffee is an enjoyable beverage that has many different flavors and preferences. If you're looking to try craft coffee at home, this is a simple method for making delicious brews.

    What Is Pour-Over Coffee?

    Pour over coffee is a method of brewing coffee where water is poured into a filter placed over ground coffee beans. The water passes through the filter slowly and only reaches the coffee at the bottom. You are then free to choose how long to steep the coffee and control how the coffee will be extracted.

    Benefits of Pour-Over Coffee

    The main benefit of pour-over coffee is that you get to make it with your own hands and brew it in a way that maximizes its flavor. Instant coffee is just that – instant, and doesn't allow for the full extraction of flavors that are found in real coffee.

    Can Pour-Over be considered better than other Brewing Methods?

    There are many advantages to pour-over coffee. One is that you won't end up wasting an entire pot of coffee if you're brewing for one. Additionally, you'll be getting the most flavorful beans, since they're extracted using precision.

    If you've ever heard of coffee enthusiasts discussing different coffee aromas, acidity, earthiness, the complexity and brightness of your cup of drip coffee. Amazed by the coffee language you probably thought about what you could do to create a coffee that is similar to that. A pour over is the most effective way to emphasize origin notes and flavors.

    You can trust me, pour-overs taste better than a single-serve cup from your Keurig.

    How to Make Pour-Over Coffee

    This recipe is designed for one serving in a standard coffee mug. Follow these steps, and your first pour-over will be ready to go in just minutes. If you'd like to experiment, try adding some spices to your brew.

    What You Need

    Ingredient List

    • 500 grams filtered water
    • 20 grams coffee grounds

    Brewing Equipment

    • Pour-over Dripper: The pour-over coffee dripper holds your coffee filter in place as you make pours. These come in a variety of sizes and styles, but this Hario V60 dripper is a great place to start.
    • Gooseneck Kettle: The gooseneck kettle is designed with a curved and narrow neck for precise pours. This is specially designed for pour-over.
    • Kitchen Scale: You can use a simple food scale to weigh each pour. However, since you’ll also need to time each pour, we suggest a pour-over scale that features a timer.
    • Filters: No matter which pour-over dripper you choose, you’ll need filters. These filters are for the Hario.


    Step 1: Bring the kettle of filtered water to a boil.

    Step 2: Prepare the coffee grounds. While the water is heating, weigh out 20 grams of coffee beans. Grind the coffee beans into a medium-coarse consistency.

    Step 3: Pre-wet the filter. Place a filter in your pour-over dripper. Then, while holding your dripper above a sink, gently trickle water from your kettle over the filter in a circular motion, until the entire filter is wet. Let all excess water drain through.

    Step 4: Set up your coffee maker. Place the dripper on your coffee mug of choice. Set it on your scale. Last, add coffee grounds to the filter, just like you would when making a whole pot of coffee.

    Step 5: Tare your scale so that, with all of your equipment on top, it reads 0 grams.

    Step 6: Pour number one.  If you want to make a really good cup of coffee, the first thing you need to do is get the water boiling. Next, remove the basket from the top of your coffee maker and place it into the sink. Fill the basket with freshly ground coffee. Using a spoon, carefully pour the water onto the grounds until the water reaches approximately 60 grams. Don’t use too much water or the coffee will become weak. You should see some froth or foam forming on the surface of the coffee.

    Step 7: Do the second pour. After your timer reaches around 30 seconds, begin your second pour. Starting with the center of the coffee grounds once again, pour in a spiral motion slowly working outward without quite touching the outermost rim of the grounds. Then, gradually work your way back toward the center until your scale reads about 140 grams. Allow this to draw down for about 30 seconds.

    Step 8: Do the third pour. After your timer reaches about 60 seconds, complete another pour moving slowly outward from the center and then back in, much like the motion you performed in the second pour. This time, however, you can pour to the edge of the coffee grounds.

    In conclusion, when you’re looking for a great cup of coffee, there’s no substitute for a pour-over. They’re the best way to get a consistently great cup of coffee. You’ll find that they’re a bit more expensive than other coffee brewing methods. But they’re worth it. For the best results, look for a coffee maker that has a ceramic filter basket. The best way to brew a perfect cup of coffee is by using a French press. It will give you a smooth, rich, full-bodied flavor every time.

    If you want to learn how to prepare coffee it is best to begin with the fundamentals, but if you are looking for advanced knowledge, we got you covered. There are a lot of factors you need to learn and understand in order to prepare a superior cup of joe. how to make pour-over

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