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All about Espresso

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    Espresso is the base for most of the coffee and milk based drinks on the menu. The product expenses are around 15 cents to make a shot of espresso, and about 35-40 cents to make a latte, mocha or cappuccino ? Of course, staffing, equipment and location include a lot to the expense, but the low consumable expenses vs. high market prices are among the main reasons lots of coffee bars are emerging in the areas throughout America.

    Follow the link for the full article all about espresso.

    This guide offers the useful info needed for you to pick the right espresso equipment for your home, office, or small business. Without a strong understanding of the various espresso makers, the choice process may be complicated and rather overwhelming simply due to the truth there are numerous models to select from. This guide is not very short, however investing the time to read it will greatly enhance your buying experience.

    Espresso is simply another approach by which coffee is brewed. There are many different ways of brewing coffee that include making use of a range top coffee maker, percolator, French press (or coffee press), vacuum pot and others. Espresso is brewed in its own unique method.

    Espresso is a drink that is produced by pressing hot water, between 192F and 204F, at high pressures, through a bed of finely ground, compacted coffee. The shot is brewed for approximately 25 to 30 seconds, and the same time applies to both a double or single shot (double baskets are larger, with more screen location, and the coffee flows faster - single baskets restrict the circulation more, leading to 1.5 ounces in 25-30 seconds).

    An espresso machine brews coffee pushing pressurized water near boiling point through a "compacted disk" of coffee grounds and a metallic filter in order to create a thick, focused coffee called espresso. The first piece of equipment for making espresso was developed and patented in 1884 by Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy.

    Crema is one of the visual signs of a quality shot of espresso. In Italy, where most real espresso is purchased in a cafe, it is traditional to lift cup and dish, smell the shot, and drink it in 3 or 4 quick gulps.

    Espresso is confusing because more often than not, it isn't prepared correctly. Real espresso, brewed with a pump or piston driven espresso maker is very demanding on the bad coffee bean grinds. Prior to we get into the relative 'abuse' that ground coffee is put through to produce a remarkable espresso, let us take an action back and talk about a bit more the mistaken beliefs about the drink.

    Espresso is not a type of bean: This is a typical misunderstanding, and inaccurate marketing by coffee chains, supermarket, and even word of mouth provide the impression that espresso is a kind of bean. Any coffee bean can be used for espresso, from the most typical Brazils to the most exotic Konas and Ethiopian Harar coffees.

    Espresso is not a type of blend: This one is also a common mistaken belief, but with some truth to the claim because there specify blends developed for espresso. The issue is, many people think there is only one type of blend that is matched for espresso. Lots of high quality micro roasters would disagree with this - Roaster Craftsmen the world over work vigilantly on their own version of "the perfect espresso blend".

    Espresso is not a Roast Type: Another popular misunderstanding is that espresso can only be roasted one way (and normally the idea is that espresso must be incredibly dark and shining with oils). This is not the case. In fact, the Northern Italian method of roasting for espresso is producing a medium roast, or more commonly called a "Full City" roast if you like on the west coast of the U.S.A.. In California, the typical "espresso roast" is a dark, or "French" roast, and in parts of the eastern United States, a very light or "cinnamon" roast style is preferred. The bottom line here is this: you can make good espresso from nearly any roast type; the choice is purely as much as your own taste buds.

    Espresso is the basis for many of the coffee and milk based beverages on the menu. Espresso is a beverage that is produced by pressing hot water, between 192F and 204F, at high pressures, through a bed of finely ground, compacted coffee. True espresso, brewed with a pump or piston driven espresso maker is extremely requiring on the poor coffee bean grinds. Espresso is not a type of blend: This one is also a common misconception, however with some fact to the claim in that there are specific blends designed for espresso. Espresso is not a Roast Type: Another popular mistaken belief is that espresso can just be roasted one way (and normally the idea is that espresso must be extremely dark and shining with oils).

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