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What is Freddo Cappuccino? The Greek drink is the new thing fol

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    Is Freddo Cappuccino the next thing to watch?

    Freddo Cappuccino is the next Dalgona. It's not the first time, when people around the world are going gaga over the latest trend in coffee. This new method of creating a rich, foamy and indulgent cold Freddo Cappuccino has been a hit on the internet.

    When the pandemic hit, the Korean fashion of making Dalgona was so well-known that everyone from celebrities to connoisseurs to bloggers, this coffee trends paved its way to the hearts of every coffee lover. similar to the delicious and foamy Dalgona coffee, this indulgent and luscious coffee appears to be the next craze. What specifically is Freddo Cappuccino? And how can make it at your own home.

    What is Freddo Cappuccino exactly?

    Freddo Cappuccino is basically a Greek Iced Coffee drink that is extremely creamy and foamy. If you love Cappuccino that is creamy or creamy it is for you! This coffee-like delight from Greece tastes a lot like Frappe. However, the creamy flavor is what distinguishes it!

    Food bloggers came to be familiar with the classic Greek drink. The drink is widely used in cafes in Greece, Cyprus, and even Italy.

    What's the difference between Frappe and Freddo Coffee?

    Both drinks look very identical. However, Freddo is made using espresso shots and Frappe utilizes instant coffee. Frappe has more cream/milk than Freddo.

    There is a longer explanation on the difference between the two. Follow the link for the longer explanation: how to prepare a freddo cappuccino.

    The recipe of Freddo Cappuccino

    The well-known Greek Iced Coffee gained popularity because a food writer Carolina Gelen shared a recipe for this basic cold Cappuccino.

    This simple recipe is simple to make. Just add 2 shots espresso, crushed ice, and sugar into a shaker. Continue shaking until the mixture becomes smooth and fluffy.

    Add three tablespoons of thick cream to the glass. Then, add 1 cup of milk. In the end, add vanilla essence. Using a whisker, whisk it to just shake it until the mix becomes thick and foamy.

    Next, you need to take in a glass serving dish, pour the coffee blend, add the foamy milk. Make sure that all the layers of coffee aren't mixed, which will give it an distinct flavor.

    Are you interested in giving it a shot?

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