We Refratex India best in market tassel tiebacks manufacturer, supplier and exporter across the world. We have wide range of tiebacks like wooden tiebacks, beaded tiebacks, budget tiebacks, contemporary tiebacks, economis tiebacks, magnet tiebacks, macrame tiebacks, metal tiebacks etc. We have been serving European market since 1996 and have come a long way to where we stand as a company today. All this success we have achieved today has been possible because of the dedicated and hardworking employees we have. Our employees have been working rigorously to meet the needs of millions of people around the world. With the ease of being at home, you can explore and order the Tiebacks you find suitable. The major use of Tieback has been in decorating Home and Curtains. We at Refratex India understand the importance of tiniest things in your life and thus work harder to provide you them in the finest quality available. Contact us on 9810393698 or sales@refratexindia.net .

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