Why Structure Your Article Text

  • October 7, 2022 7:25 AM PDT

    Structure is the invisible frame of the article. The presence of structure turns the stream of consciousness into a useful information product that solves the problems of the reader and helps the author achieve the goal.

    It is impossible to structure text without a purpose. Let's remember how to write an introduction. First, the author determines what he wants to achieve, chooses a topic or hire a paper writer and pay for essay, then writes out a list of tasks. Usually, tasks have something in common with the content of a term paper or a thesis, and paragraphs can be compared with stages on the way to a goal.

    Purpose: to teach how to write articles


    - motivate the reader;

    - explain the causes of procrastination;

    - to tell how to deal with a creative stupor;

    - explain how to define the target audience.


    Why write articles (we discuss issues of motivation, laziness, benefits for the author)

    The problem of a blank slate (we tell you what to do if there is motivation, but the article is not being written)

    Structure (we discuss how to choose a topic and structure an article)

    In the article (as well as in the term paper, and in the thesis) there should not be random thoughts and facts. The central idea should run like a red thread through the text of the publication, explaining the author's point of view to the target audience. A good structure cuts out the redundant, saves time writing the article, and helps the reader to understand the topic faster.

    Cut off the excess

    Throwing out unnecessary thoughts does not mean making the text short and forever abandoning long reads that capture the hearts of readers. Superfluous thoughts are those that take you aside and prevent you from delving into the meaning of the text.

    Imagine that you need to urgently get from New York to Washington, but the driver decided to make a detour and dropped into Salisbury. The city, of course, is beautiful, but you are in a hurry, and travel was not included in your plans. The same with the text: interesting facts will not make the article better if their presence is not justified in any way.

    Do not destroy secondary ideas - they can become the foundation for future articles. If you have to write texts often (for example, you write posts on Instagram or run a channel on Twitter), you can break your work into topics. In the future, this will help fight procrastination: the sheet will no longer be empty and there will be a feeling that part of the work has already been done.

    Semantic blocks of text

    There are two types of readers. Some people read the article from the first to the last character, enjoy the process and put likes for cool links. Others quickly evaluate the publication and snatch out important passages of text. It is necessary to write in such a way that the article is useful and convenient for everyone. Regardless of the format and complexity, the text is always divided into three semantic blocks: introduction, essence and conclusion. Many authors limit themselves to a template entry in the introduction and a chopped off conclusion, for these there are separate the recommendations. They are sure that the reader has come for the essence and meaning, so everything else is secondary formalities.

    Well-structured text is easy to read and sticks in memory. Therefore, the division of an article into semantic blocks is a process no less important than the study itself.

  • October 7, 2022 7:30 AM PDT
    If you read this, tell me if this article was useful to you?
  • October 7, 2022 10:46 AM PDT
    Hello, very well written, do you plan to write more?