Actor Intro

  • November 29, 2022 9:35 AM PST
    BUSINESS DESCRIPTION [url=]Actorintro[/url] are Professional self tape and demo reel service for serious actors. Perfect lighting, perfect audio, perfect HD video. Professional actor will read with you and offer guidance and coaching if desired. Audition delivered within 90 minutes of shoot. Expert Demo Reel editing can be done without a personal visit to the studio if your footage is available online. Editor knows what CDs and Reps want to see in a demo reel and will create a reel that delivers it. We also shoot Showcase videos, Slate Shots and Host Reels from Scratch. Free phone consultation. Appointments can be made online at the site. No telephone tag, no waiting. Same day appointments often available." [url=]Demo videos[/url], [url=]video reel for actors[/url], [url=]demo reels nyc[/url], [url=]actor taping services[/url], [url=]self tape studios near me[/url]
  • December 26, 2022 11:27 AM PST
    That’s an interesting offer.