Log Splitter Manufacturers Blade Introduction

  • Leader
    March 23, 2020 7:44 PM PDT
    1. When using [url=https://www.cnsuperpower.com/product/log-splitter/]Performance Built Log Splitter[/url], the feeder should be careful, such as nails, metal blocks and other materials that cannot enter the machine, otherwise the blade will be seriously damaged and even paper jam will be caused. 2. When adjusting the blade, care must be taken to avoid hitting the blade in some parts of the machine and damaging the sharpness of the blade. 3. When replacing new blades, please ensure that the blades have the same length and mass, and avoid that the blades are too long or too heavy and too light, which will lead to rotor imbalance in the machine, thus causing noise and vibration in the production process of the machine. After replacing the blade, be sure to check the screws on the upper blade to ensure that the screws have been tightened to prevent the screws from loosening and falling off in future production. Fourth, it is very important to buy high-quality wear-resistant blades when buying blades. Only by using high-quality blades can they have a longer service life. If the above operation has been completed, please ensure that your Performance Built Log Splitter can be used for a longer period of time without frequent blade replacement. Welcome to pay attention to the professional [url=https://www.cnsuperpower.com/]Log Splitter Manufacturers[/url]official website, and we will update our professional knowledge in this field in time.