Event Details

  • 1. Selecting the Rice Huller(LIANGGONG) https://www.china-zjlg.com/product/mlgq51-semi-pneumatic-rice-huller.html equipment with excellent quality can ensure the safety in use and operation. Such processing machinery has relatively high service life, and the operation and maintenance of rice huller equipment is simple and convenient. 2. Pay attention to the mechanical safety and production safety of the rice huller machinery. Master the operation skills of the machine, standardize the operation methods, and be aware of the faults that may be encountered and will simply eliminate and repair the work. The equipment is regularly inspected and repaired to minimize the risk of mechanical damage. Taking safety production, industrial hygiene, and ensuring the safety and health of employees in production, the safety behavior of people and the material conditions required for safe production are regulated in terms of management, production technology and equipment use. 3. Rice huller equipment can guarantee continuous operation, balanced production, processing performance and product quality, achieve reasonable economic scale, meet process technology requirements and reasonable matching between equipment and equipment. Equipment should always pay attention to the contents of food hygiene, food quality, food nutrition and other related aspects during the processing. In order to ensure the normal operation, safety and health, energy saving and maintenance of the production line, ensure the advanced, rational and reliable of the whole line of the production line. Click Rice Grader https://www.china-zjlg.com/product/rice-grader-machine/ to learn about more information.
  • 12/5/18 at 5:00 PM -
    12/24/18 at 5:00 PM
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