Best Endoscopic DCR Surgery in India


The Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy or DCR surgery is a surgical intervention, performed at our clinics in Mumbai to treat patients who are diagnosed with an obstruction in their lacrimal sac. A patient diagnosed with such a condition can have the problem from birth or acquired later. Endoscopic DCR surgery is performed by our expert cosmetic surgeons to restore the flow of tears into the nose from the lacrimal sac due to nasolacrimal duct dysfunction in patients.

Obstruction of nasal ducts in patients can lead to health conditions like epiphora or dacryocystitis. The term epiphora denotes the secretion of excessive tear fluid caused by an obstruction inside the lacrimal sac or tear ducts. Dacryocystitis, on the other hand, is a condition where the lacrimal sac has an infection obstructing the tear ducts of the patient.

Endoscopic DCR surgery in Mumbai can help a patient to have their tear ducts obstruction-free. This minimally invasive surgery is performed by our expert ophthalmologists and top plastic surgeons to clear any infection or obstruction of the passage. Our best cosmetic surgeon can correct obstructions or infections of the nasal cavities and passages of the patient. Generally, endoscopic DCR surgery works better for patients who already had tried alternate therapies like massages or hot compresses to alleviate the symptoms. 


  • Price $1,000.00
  • Location India [map]