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A Definite Guide to Create B2B Explainer Videos

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    In the last few years, an explainer video has gained huge popularity as a B2B marketing tool. Explainer video refers to a short clip that provides a concise as well as a pleasing description of the product or service. This video is between 30 to 90 seconds and could be used across all online business channels. The explanatory videos could catch the attention of viewers within a minute and give critical attention as well.

    From product teasers to animated tutorials to sales, these videos have several uses in B2B marketing. However, numerous practices could help in creating any type of B2B explainer video. Here are few crucial things that you need to consider while creating such videos

    • Defining Target Audience & Business Goals

    Before you create the video, you need to ensure that client and video production team are on the same page. To understand whom you are targeting with that video, you need to discuss the audience as well as business objectives. Creating an image of the viewer (customer) would be a great idea.

     Ensure it includes the customer data like industry, specifics of business, location, demographics, market, etc. in which the customer works. With this, you would have an understanding of the person who would see the video.

    • Maintain Balance Between Creativity & Formal Style

    While dealing with the B2B explainer video, aligning with the formal style is crucial. Because this video targets business owners that make well-informed as well as data-based decisions. You need to understand that B2B customers know the technical terms & concepts. And, they expect that the video pitch would have all key points of the product, benefits from the company, cost estimation, etc.

    Today, several explainer video production companies add fun to the formal B2B video. It could add freshness to the old sales pitch as well as engage customers. However, you need to ensure that the video corresponds to the B2B standards.

    • Emphasize Brand Identity

    Brand identity is an important part of business presence as well as brand reputation. By using branding mottos, logos, or colours in explainer videos, you could emphasize the brand identity. Doing so would increase brand awareness & recognizability as well.

    Along with these, consider using the same structure as the standard sales pitch. In case you are unsure and unable to do, consider taking the help of a reputed 2D animation company. If you are looking for an experienced animation producer and explainer video company, Rabbit and Carrot is the best choice. They offer innovative ideas for capturing the essence of the business and provide a personal touch for connecting with customers.