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How To Climb The App Store Rankings (10 Experts Share Tips)

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    You’ve spent months planning and designing your app. You’ve interviewed users, conducted testing and fixed bugs, and now you’ve finally arrived at a beautiful mobile masterpiece.To get more news about App Promotion, you can visit aso700.com official website.

    But you didn’t go through all that just for your app to sit there and look pretty.Building and publishing an app is the hard part, right? Well, it’s certainly hard. But an even harder part comes next: Now you’ve got to drive downloads.

    Studies have shown that most people discover new apps by browsing the app store:That’s good to know. It means people are in the app store actively looking for apps, but how can you ensure that they come across your app and not a competitor’s? The real question is: How do you make your app stand out?

    Let’s talk about the Apple App Store specifically for a minute. Amidst the thousands and thousands of apps that live there already—not to mention the thousands more that will be added in the next month—how does a new app on the market get in front of its desired users?

    We also wanted to know the answer to this question, so we contacted the experts. We asked 10 app store optimization experts to share the ASO techniques or best practices that will get you noticed by potential users. Here’s what our experts had to say:My advice for someone who is doing ASO on their own would be to sign up for an App Store Search Ads account. Using that, you can see what sort of traffic different keywords get directly through Apple for free, without paying for any additional ASO tools.

    Even better, if you cut and paste the keywords [on your list] into Excel as text, the blue bar that shows approximate search volume will turn into a percentage with real meaning. You have to assume any keyword that comes up with 5% [search volume] is actually 0%, as there is never anything less than 5% reported.If you don’t know where to start in designing an app icon, take a moment to browse the App Store. Your eye will naturally be drawn to the icons that have simple elegant shapes with bright, contrasting colours.

    Keep things simple. With the nature of the icon being viewed on a mobile device, you need to think small. Geometric shapes, thick lines, and high contrast colours can all help your icon stand out without adding visual clutter.

    Don’t label slap. Ever hear of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Avoid squeezing your company name or logo into the app icon, especially if it’s a long name.

    Take your time. Think of your app icon as a preview of the beautiful UX that your app has to offer. It will need to convince users to download your app in a sea of hundreds of thousands of others, so take the time to iterate, get feedback from peers and potential users, and build a memorable brand for your users.

    Be consistent. You want users to become familiar with your app icon, so ensure the design has longevity, and try not to change it too often. Let your icon become a natural extension of your brand.