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Is there a Kroger employee login?

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    Let us help you every step of the way to achieving your professional goals at Kroger. We want you to feel like a member of our team – part of the family, in fact. And that starts with a clear understanding of your benefits and responsibilities. That's why we've made it easier than ever to browse through your benefits and get answers to your benefit-related questions. Take control of one of your most important aspects of employment at Kroger: your benefits.

    Welcome to the Kroger HR Login Page. The Kroger Company is an American retailing company that began in 1883 when Herman and Bernard Kroger bought a grocery store in Cincinnati, Ohio, which had been founded by their father, John. Because many companies have a home page, an about us page, a contact us page and so on, we decided to establish our own website for users who are looking for this information.