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Skin Allergy and Its Successful Management Through Ayurveda

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    Skin can be irritated by lot of diseases including infections, drug reactions as well as auto immune diseases. Skin Allergy is a broad term incorporating a lot of diseases like Urticaria/Hives (sheetpitta or Pitti in Sanskrit/Hindi language), Eczema (atopic dermatitis), Allergic contact dermatitis etc.


    All these allergies are triggered by one or other allergens, the most common being food articles, chemicals like drugs, detergents or cosmetics.

    Urticaria has symptoms like itching and rashes in any part of the body and most common triggers are food like tomato, ground nut, peanut, chocolate etc. The histamine released in response to allergens leak through the blood vessels and whole ayurvedic treatment for skin allergy experience severe itch, rashes swelling under skin. Even changes in environmental temperature can trigger the same response.

    Allergic contact dermatitis is caused most commonly by contact to allergens like detergents, artificial jewellery and other like

    Atopic dermatitis /Eczema: Sadly the common sufferers are children. The skin becomes irritated dried and prone to infections causing the eczema. The environmental factors affect the dried and inflamed skin and the pathology sets in. Often the disease runs in family and people suffer allergic rhinitis and food allergy as well. The skin is red, itchy, swollen and scaly or bumpy at the site of contact of allergen.

    Most cases the people suffering from skin allergies have allergy in other systems like nose, throat, lungs, bowels as well. An entire chapter on skin diseases/ Kushtha Roga mentions the cause of most of these skin problems, their symptoms and management strategies.

    The answer to the management of allergies doesn’t lie in popping the anti allergy pills throughout the lifetime. As the allergens exist in the environment and everyone is exposed to the allergens in same way so Ayurveda considers the toxins present in the body and low immunity as the main cause of symptoms in the sufferer.

    Rather Ayurveda guides to Detoxify the body, Boost immunity and advice natural herbal solutions based upon the constitution of the sufferer. In Ayurveda one size doesn’t fit all. It’s a customized or tailor made science. The beauty of Ayurveda treatment is that it treats the disease from the root cause so in most of the cases the total internal environment of the body is cleaned using