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How to become a professional yoga instructor

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    If you love yoga and want to share your passion with others, becoming a professional instructor might be the right career path for you. Becoming a professional yoga instructor takes dedication, hard work, and some luck—but if you're willing to put in the effort, this job can be rewarding both financially and emotionally.

    Follow your passion

     If you truly love yoga, this is probably the most important trait you should have in wanting to become a professional yoga instructor.

    If you truly love yoga, this is probably the most important trait you should have in wanting to become a professional yoga instructor.

    It's easy to get stuck in your routine and forget about what it means to be passionate about something. The truth is that passion doesn't mean anything unless it's backed up by action. So if you don't feel like teaching yoga today? Then don't teach it today! If tomorrow doesn't seem like a good time for class? Then take some time away from the mat and do something else instead (or maybe even nothing at all).

    Don't be afraid of failure: As anyone who has ever tried their hand at anything knows, there will always be times when things don’t go according plan; but these are opportunities for growth rather than setbacks or failures! They allow us room for improvement so as long as we keep our eyes open towards those possibilities then everything will turn out alright in the end!

    Decide what kind of yoga you want to teach.

    As a yoga instructor, you'll want to choose the style of yoga which suits your personality. If you're not sure what style would work for you, try out several different styles and see which one clicks with your personality best.

    There are many different types of yoga: Hatha-, Ashtanga-, Vinyasa-, Kundalini-, Bikram-style and more. The type of class that works best depends on both the teacher and student's preferences as well as their physical condition (if they have any injuries or health issues). There are specific courses available, for example, ashtanga yoga training will assist you to be the master of ashtanga yoga. Therefore choose your course carefully.

    Pick which certification program sounds right for you.

    Once you've decided to become a professional yoga instructor, the next step is to pick which certification program sounds right for you. First, check whether the school or institute offering the course is accredited by Yoga Alliance—this means that it's been evaluated and approved by an independent body of experts in yoga education. A good place to start is with their website; they'll post all of their current certifications there (including yours).

    Next, look at what type of style of yoga they specialize in: Iyengar? Bikram? Vinyasa Flow? Or something else entirely? If possible, try attending some classes at online Yoga classes that offer these styles so that you can see firsthand how each instructor teaches and what kind of student feedback they receive from students who practice under them.

    Finally, consider how flexible your schedule needs to be if there are any days when class isn't offered due to weather conditions or other factors beyond anyone's control (e.g., teacher sickness). You'll also have to0 check flexibility with regards to scheduling the training.

    Find your prospective students and start teaching!

    Now that you’ve done the research, it’s time to find your prospective students and start teaching!

    • Teaching yoga to a group of people is a great way to start. You can offer classes at local yoga studios or retreat centers, or even use social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram as an online platform for connecting with potential clients.
    • Teaching yoga yourself is also helpful—it gives you practice in front of an audience and allows you to get feedback from other practitioners on how well you are doing at carrying out the poses correctly (or not). This will help guide future instructors on what works best for them when they teach their own classes.

    Get your business license and open a bank account for your new company when you feel ready.

    To teach yoga, you need to be registered with the Yoga Alliance and have a business license.

    You can't teach yoga without a business license. It's a legal requirement for anyone who wants to call themselves a professional instructor of this ancient practice.

    If you don't already have one, get yours before opening your bank account or applying for loans or credit cards. As an aside, it's also helpful if your new company has its own website so people can find out more about you and where they might want to take classes from!

    Cultivate a following. The more popular you are, the more likely people will follow you wherever you go (or whatever style of yoga you decide to teach).

    To cultivate a following, you need to build a website and social media presence. Then get your name out there by marketing yourself to the right people: yoga studios, fitness centers and gyms; hospitals; nursing homes; schools; churches—anywhere that might benefit from having an instructor-in-residence who is also willing to teach women's self-defense classes or prenatal classes. Don't be afraid of failure! You can always try again if things don't work out (and they probably won't).

    If you love yoga, becoming a professional instructor might be the right career path for you.

    If you love yoga, becoming a professional instructor might be the right career path for you. You should be passionate about teaching yoga and be able to teach different styles of yoga, including hot vinyasa and restorative styles. You should also be able to teach in a variety of settings—from studios to private homes—and have experience working with beginner students as well as those who have been practicing longer than six months.

    If this sounds like something that interests you then here are five steps to getting started:


    The most important thing to remember is that there will be times when you feel like giving up and quitting. You might have doubts about whether you can make it as a yoga instructor, but if you keep going with your passion and determination, eventually success will come.

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