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Sexual psychology

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    There is no doubt that this attitude of seeing good and not seeing evil also has its uses. A doctor, vaguely insisting that there are only normal things in the world, and deliberately ignoring abnormal things, is more or less a good stimulus to the patient, more or less a little power of influence, so that he can go on the right path. But we need to know that mental health and physical health are the same in this respect. A physician should have a precise and wise understanding of a patient's abnormality before trying to restore normalcy. If we want him to go to a destination, we should first know what kind of starting point he is in. We should do this to deal with the perversion of the body, not to mention the so-called mental perversion, whose scope is wide and elusive, and above the perversion of the body? What's more, some psychopathy, whose degree is often not deep, may be regarded as still within the normal range, and the so-called normal range probably varies from person to person. To understand a person's normal range,ceramic welding tape, in addition to observing his acquired behavior, we need to look for his innate sexual and psychological qualities. Otherwise, on the surface, the result of treatment seems to lead him back to the right path, but in fact,Ceramic ferrule for stud welding, this right path may be the right path of Zhang San or Li Si, and the Tao is not his right path. Because we do not have a deep understanding of sexual perversion, there are all kinds of very casual, stereotyped, but in fact very irrelevant, and even chaotic ways to deal with it. For example, we like to advise this kind of person to get married, thinking that after marriage, perverts can heal themselves without medicine. Sometimes the idea is right. But if we do not have a full understanding of the specific circumstances of a person's perversion, this idea, Ozone generator ceramic plate ,ceramic bobbin heater core, though good, is always confused at first. How can we be sure that the idea will work? What if something goes even further wrong? This warning can be applied to all ideas and people who make up ideas. Sex is a phenomenon of the whole body, and it is not too much to say that a person is full of sex. A person's sexual quality is inseparable from the understanding of a part of his whole quality. There is some truth in the old saying, "a man is what his sex is." We don't understand this, and it's a waste of effort to give advice to others on the guidance of sexual life. A man may be passing through an abnormal stage in his youth, but this is very temporary, and if he is less impatient, he will reach a more normal and permanent state. Perhaps because of some peculiar overreaction, he mistook a less important impulse in his nature for the main one. Want to know every person is a lot of impulse combination and become, have normal impulse, also have not normal impulse, and in sexual respect so called normal person not necessarily be richly endowed by nature, also be to be able to try to control a few not normal impulses just. Generally speaking, a person's sexual quality is meticulous, deep-rooted, lifelong once mature, and mostly inherited. At the same time, we should be particularly careful when specifying the boundaries between nature and nurture. On the one hand, we have to admit that the so-called day after tomorrow may not be too late, at least much earlier than people believed before. But on the other hand, the so-called congenital, is often very mysterious or very obscure, perhaps the whole life has not been discovered. However, generally speaking, nature and nurture, or heredity and habit, are inseparable. The reason why a seed can germinate is that it meets the right soil. Here, as elsewhere, achievement is due not to the seed alone, nor to the soil alone, but to the sum of the two. According to Mendel's law of heredity (Mendelian inher itance), the children of the same parents often show very different qualities, that is,alumina c799, they do not necessarily develop the same seeds. Not long ago, the overseer of the London Children's Training Institute said that the same stimulus or pressure could make the elder brother steal and the younger brother unusually shy. The relationship between heredity and environment is extremely complex, which is not determined by the words of people who specialize in heredity or environment. global-ceramics.com