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Is VelaShape Effective?

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    What Is VelaShape?

    VelaShape 3 treatment in Dubai is a non-invasive body contouring for circumferential and cellulite reduction. VelaShape enables you to safely achieve a toned, contoured and well shaped body in typically 3 treatment sessions( single treatment protocol is also available); making you look and feel more immature. VelaShape provides dramatic results without time-out or significant discomfort.

    Which Areas Can Be Treated With VelaShape 3 Treatment?

    Cellulite treatment areas could be on the neck( under chin), arms, shanks, buttocks, hand and tummy. utmost cases see gradational and accretive results throughout the treatment governance.
    For more information and booking appointments, checkout Laser treatment in Dubai.
    VelaShape 3 treatment in Dubai

    What VelaShape 3 Treatment Does?

    VelaShape technology combines infrared light,bi-polar radio-frequency energy and vacuum, which beget deep heating of the fat cells, their girding connective towel and the underpinning dermal collagen filaments. This type of effective heating and vacuum stimulates the growth of new and better collagen and elastin which results in localized reduction in skin laxity, body volume, and an overall enhancement in skin structure and texture.

    What Do I Anticipate From VelaShape Treatments?

    Gradational smoothing of skin’s face with a conspicuous reduction in cellulite
    Circumferential reduction, with conspicuous reshaping of the treated area

    What is the VelaShape Procedure Like?

    utmost cases find VelaShape comfortable and describe the treatment as feeling like a warm deep- towel massage. The treatment parameters are fluently acclimated to insure a comfortable treatment experience. It's normal to witness a warm sensation for a many hours after your treatment. Some cases report a pinkish appearance at the treatment area that may last a many hours post treatment, and skin may appear pink for several hours.

    What are the Pros and Cons of VelaShape 3 Treatment?


    • Treatments don’t take veritably long. The procedure itself generally only lasts 20 to 30 twinkles, though it can take longer for multiple areas.
    • There’s no time-out subsequently and you can incontinently return to normal conditioning.
    • The procedure is, by utmost accounts, effortless.
    • It works well in combination with other procedures.
    • It's safe for all skin types and tones.


    • You’ll need multiple treatments — generally three to six sessions, spaced a week or so piecemeal to see results. Candela Medical, the device manufacturer, says you will see results in just three treatments, but multiple croakers who’ve used the device say it can take further than that.
    • Your results will be temporary, and you’ll need three to four follow-up sessions every time to maintain them.
    • Results can be subtle. Some RealSelf members who reviewed the procedure say they did not see the results they anticipated.
    • One critic suffered becks that left endless scars.
    • This isn't a fat reduction procedure, so if that is your primary thing, you will presumably see better results from a body contouring treatment.

    Who makes a good Candidate for VelaShape?

    VelaShape works best for people who are at a healthy weight, with a body mass indicator( BMI) of lower than 30 and mild to moderate cellulite. However, you may be a good seeker, If your skin has some dimpling or an “ orange peel ” look when you ’re standing up(stage 1 or 2 on the Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Scale).

    It's not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or people with an implanted automatic defibrillator, trendsetter, or other electronic device. If you’re taking blood thinners, you ’ll need to stop taking them for at least 5 days before your treatment to reduce the threat of serious bruising.