Recent Entries

  • NAB launches a first in Islamic business financing

    Islamic home loans are available for many purposes such as construction and purchasing vacant land, although they are not typically used for refinancing. They also come in full documentation and low documentation versions, depending on your leasing needs. Speaking to The Adviser on the occasion of t...
  • NAB launches Islamic finance product for SMEs

    This paper explores the nature and extent of financial exclusion of Muslim community in Australia. Adopting a survey questionnaire method primary data has been used, and Queensland is the selected state for this exploratory case study. While nearly 3 billion people in the world face difficulties in ...
  • NAB launches a first in Islamic business financing

    Islamic home loans are available for many purposes such as construction and purchasing vacant land, although they are not typically used for refinancing. They also come in full documentation and low documentation versions, depending on your leasing needs. Speaking to The Adviser on the occasion of t...
  • "Financial Exclusion and the Role of Islamic Finance in Austral

    But after the couple married in 2018, they started using an Islamic financing company to buy property. Like many Australians, Melike got her first bank account through Commonwealth Bank's Dollarmites program as a child and she still banks with the institution. With roughly 600,000 people identifying...
  • Islamic banking is just the tip of an ethical industry movement

    "I'm very grateful that this is allowing me to grow my business," he says. "A lot of people that we know that are Muslims have gone with conventional ways." "We made a whole series of suggestions for the government to apply that got lost," he says. The complication in the Australian context is that ...
  • Australias leading Islamic finance and investments

    Dr Imran Lum, Director Islamic Finance in NAB’s Deal Structuring and Execution team said; “We’re really proud to be able to offer such a valuable service to Australia’s Muslim community. "Getting a banking licence is a fairly challenging thing to do in any case, but trying to...
  • Australias leading Islamic finance and investments

    Designed to meet Islamic Law requirements, the product structures financing as a lease where ‘rent’ and ‘service fee’ are paid instead of ‘interest’. The Bank has also invested in achieving the endorsement of Amanie Advisors, a global Shariah advisory firm on beha...
  • Islamic home loans: How do they work and how do you get one?

    While the bank is not yet open for business , it has said it will offer a full suite of shariah-compliant retail and business banking services. And at the big end of town, one of the country's largest banks, NAB, is launching a specialised financing product for Islamic business customers, which the ...
  • Australias leading Islamic finance and investments

    “Just like any conventional facility in any other organisation, customers should be alert to the service aspect of the product. I believe Iskan Finance operates as an ethical business and we’re firm on NCCP compliance so people should take the comfort in the fact that we, and other provi...
  • Islamic Banking: Debates and Development ANU

    Most of what is happening is positive and constructive, with local firms setting up Islamic finance specialist units to take advantage of the opportunities this one-trillion-dollar sector offers. Visiting Manama, Bahrain on a visit to the Gulf, the Assistant Treasurer met with the Central Bank of Ba...