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Acrylic fish tank is more beautiful and safe

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    Acrylic fish tank is one of the main products of Jiaxing Mirror Acrylic Company. Compared with ordinary glass fish tanks, acrylic fish tanks are more beautiful and safer. This fish tank is mainly made of acrylic materials and has better weather resistance, especially for outdoor use. However, Shanghai Haiyao reminds you that your new fish tank not only has taste, but may also contain some toxic substances. If you put the fish directly in, it will simply cause the fish to die. As for how to disinfect, let's introduce it in detail below.

    1. The scale of clear disinfection. In addition to disinfecting the entire fish tank, the filtering equipment and membranes put in it should also be disinfected. If there is a loophole in the disinfection operation, it is equivalent to leaving a gap in the levee, and there is a risk of collapse at any time.

    2. Choose a disinfectant product. Generally, when disinfecting fish tanks, there are two useful disinfectants, namely chlorine water and potassium permanganate. Both of these disinfectants can effectively release active oxygen, thereby killing microorganisms and bacteria in the water. But they also have their own disinfection features, we can choose according to our needs. Like chlorine water, it is colorless, and it will not change the color of the water body when it is put into the tank, and its oxidizing property is very strong, and the power and quality of disinfection are relatively high.

    But because it is colorless, people cannot tell whether it is completely dissolved, and we know that this substance will also cause irritation to fish. If the decomposition is not complete, the fish will be put in, it will definitely have a negative effect. The disinfection ability of potassium permanganate is weaker than that of chlorinated water. It will also make the fish tank red during disinfection, but as long as the reaction is complete, its products will settle at the bottom of the tank, and these residues are not related to water quality and fish. What impact will it have.

    3. Other matters needing attention. In addition to disinfecting the fish tank, the aquatic plants and other decorations put in the tank must be disinfected and insecticidal before being put into the tank. In addition, before the fish enter the tank, check whether there are any symptoms, to avoid the phenomenon of dead fish just after entering the tank.

    Anyway, if you don’t want to suffer the “shock” of dead fish just after you have just invested in fish farming, then you must disinfect your newly purchased acrylic fish tank. Moreover, it is far from enough to do this step well. To raise fish well, it is necessary to spend more time on changing water, feeding, and landscaping.

    Click the link below for more product information: Aquarium project.