Recent Entries

  • An Insightful Approach to Primary Market Research

      Conducting primary market research offers several benefits and advantages. This method must also be included in the process of market research not only because it leads to fresh and updated information but also high relevant one. Let’s know more about these benefits by reading the fo...
  • 5 Reasons Why Primary Market Research is Essential

    Primary market research is the process of gathering information directly from the source, rather than relying on existing data or research. This type of research can provide valuable insights into a variety of aspects related to a business or industry, including consumer preferences, market trends...
  • 3 Must-Have B2B Market Research Tools

    B2B market research can be a tricky business. When you’re selling to other businesses, you need to understand the unique needs of your target audience and how they buy. These are skills that business owners typically have. Market research can help you better understand how best to serve your...
  • How to Use and Assess Qualitative Research Methods

      Qualitative research methods are a powerful tool to investigate the complexities of human experience and behavior. Unlike quantitative research methods, which rely on numerical data and statistical analysis, qualitative research methods aim to capture the richness and depth of individual p...
  • 15 Quantitative Market Research Questions & Examples

    Understanding your customers is vital to business success. Many industries have set out to better understand the wants and needs of their customers in order to better fulfill those needs and increase their profits. Market research is the practice of understanding your customers in order to better yo...
  • What is Customer Research?

    Customer research helps brands identify potential or current customer segments, needs, and behaviors. It’s conducted as part of market research, user research, or design research and always focuses on researching customers of a specific brand or product to identify unmet customer needs and/or ...
  • Market Research: How to Choose between In-House or Outsourced ?

    Market research is a key part of any business growth strategy. By knowing your market and how your products and services can add value, you can meet and exceed your customer’s needs and wants. Market research can take many forms, but every business has their own needs. Let’s see which fo...
  • The Rise of Electric Vehicles and Their Impact on the Future of

    The trend towards electric vehicles is expected to grow in the next decade as more countries attempt to reduce emissions. The Paris Agreement, along with increased concern for air quality and the diesel emissions scandal, have influenced diesel and fossil fuel restrictions. The automotive industry ...
  • Humanity In The Customer Experience

    Companies are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence as part of their customer experience. But is it really useful?Let’s face it, we all have a natural distrust of banks, insurance companies, utility companies and governments. There is a huge list of reasons that you can give for this d...
  • How to Recruit for Focus Groups

    While there is no one clear definition of a focus group, it is generally considered to be a research tool that involves a small sample of people coming together to discuss a product or service to gain a better understanding of their opinions. Focus groups are a great way to gather consumer data. Th...
  • How Can Brands Best Deliver Value to Consumers Battling Inflati

    Inflation can cause big problems for businesses and families all over the world. When the prices of food, gas, and transportation go up, it becomes very important for companies that make consumer technology and durable goods to show that their products are worth the extra money. Though many global ...
  • Market Research & the Metaverse: What Does the Future Hold?

    With the rapid development of internet and technology in recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of innovative new platforms that boast exciting ways of connecting with others – the metaverse being one such example. This entrance has got people wondering about how social connection might ...