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Software Engineer Job Responsibilities & Education

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    Often times individuals can find themselves comparing software engineer and computer science. While these fields look similar initially, their differences become obvious quickly when some investigating is done. The most important question is: which profession is better in the long run?

    Both software engineer and computer science, are involved with computer software, along with software development and other related fields. Those interested in a career centered on software development and computer technology often focus on one of two majors: computer science or software engineering (sometimes referred to as software development, but the two are not synonymous).


    Computer engineering deals with computer systems and understanding the most practical approach to computer development and use. Although, computer engineers focus on the software, a computer engineer is also required to be familiar with the hardware. Additionaly, Computer engineering combines electrical engineering and science, with a focus on software-hardware interactions. Some of the most common programs offered in computer engineering include processor interfacing, digital logical design, thermodynamics, power management, solid state physics, and magnetic fields. Degrees in computer engineering are highly customizable, as programs often cover a wide range of interests. Ultimately you are in control of your own degree as you focus on your interests, this customizable degree will propel your profession into your desired career direction.

    Read more: computer science salary