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What Is Non Functional Testing? An Overview

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    Functional testing is focused on the user's requirements. Nonfunctional testing focuses on the system's functionality.

    What's non-functional testing?

    We often receive information about acceptance criteria when we receive a feature to Quality Assurance testing.

    When evaluating new features, there are many factors to take into account. To ensure product testing is completed, it is essential to examine the entire system.

    Functional and non-functional testing are essential. Non-functional testing can also be done by QA.

    You can run into problems if non-functional testing is not performed.

    Failure to test products can cause product failures.

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    Non-functional testing

    Non-functional testing can be described as white-box testing. It assumes that the tester is familiar with the system's internal workings. Each method's significance will vary depending on the project.

    Performance testing- This broad term refers the system's performance under different circumstances.

    Load Testing refers to an application running in normal conditions. This monitors system performance as new conditions are added.

    You can test your body's stress response by experimenting with normal weight gain.

    Security testing - This test checks for potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

    Compatibility - Tests the compatibility of an application with multiple browsers.

    Upgrade testing/Installation: Ensure that your program is running properly and is up to date.

    Conformance Testing: This is used to determine if a system meets technical specifications and/or legal requirements.

    Accessibility testing. To determine if the system is capable of supporting people with disabilities.

    Disaster recovery/Failover testing. Follow each step of a disaster relief program.

    Non-functional Testing: Test Planning

    It is possible to see how nonfunctional testing could fit in your test plan.

    Read More about Software Testing Training in Pune

    Non-functional Testing Tools

    Non-functional testing can be done with many tools. Each tool is tailored to meet specific testing needs, allowing testers to get the data they need.

    Performance Tools

    To test your performance, use Apache JMeter. You can find many tutorials to help you in specific situations.

    SMARTBEAR's LoadNinja is very popular.

    Check out our top performance tools list.

    Security Testing Tools

    Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP OWASP) is an open-source web scanner.

    Wfuzz is an open-source security tool which uses brute force in order to find vulnerabilities. It's suitable for advanced users

    SonarQube allows developers to increase code security.

    Compatibility Test

    Test browsers on more then 3000 devices using Webstack

    Please refer to the cross browser toollist for more information.

    Accessibility Testing Tool

    WAVE - This free tool uses the Web Content Accessibility Guide standard.

    SortSite – Checks against Usability.gov and WCAG standards. Enter URL to check for broken links or browser compatibility.

    Read More about Software Testing Classes in Pune

    Non-Functional testing presents challenges

    Nonfunctional testing can be more difficult than other types.

    Other departments might be required to participate in your testing. Let them understand that you still haven't received results and the reason.

    Functional tests are difficult to understand.


    Nonfunctional Testing is a great way to improve the user experience of your product.