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Your Ad Rank determines where your ad emerges in the search results. You can check it by looking at the average position column in Google AdWords. So, you see how rookie PPC audit can have an adverse impact on your PPC Analysis campaign. Next time you are looking to give your business a PPC boost, keep these above mentioned points in mind before choosing an Adwords Management Company. Part of the problem is that the Adwords interface is easy to navigate, but often the nuance of the mechanism isn't properly understood. Also, Google Adwords are meant to drive traffic, and clicks, through to your website, and you have to control the beast.

Poor Targeting as there are three aspects to targeting that Adwords users often get wrong. The first is the location of the target customer. This may seem like a simple enough thing. Users often think. Poorly Arranged Ad Groups as the most frequent mistake we see is that advertising groups are not arranged in any manner. Often we will see customers with just one campaign and one ad group, and thousands of keywords lumped together.