Recent Entries

  • Hirsutism : Cause and treatment

    Excessive hair growth in women is called hirsutism. The condition is because of genetics and the presence of more male pattern hair growth hormone in the body. These excessive hair are embarrassing for women. The effective treatment to treat hirsutism is laser hair treatment.
  • Is Hair Transplant Possible For A Diabetic Patient

    Hair transplant is a surgical way to restore hair. Diabetes and hair loss have become very common nowadays due to stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. So, one common question that arises is if hair transplant treatment is possible in diabetic patients. Hair transplant clinic in Mumbai describes the an...
  • Importance Of Blood Flow Toward Scalp In Hair Growth

    Every person hair goes through a cycle that leds hair follicles to grow, rest and then allow shedding. With fall of a old hair, a new hair grow naturally and the process starts over again. However the hair growth and hair loss is a natural process but it can be discouraging if individual is losing m...
  • Telogen Effluvium: causes and hair loss treatment

    Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss experienced in both men and women but commonly seen in women. It is categorized by diffuse hair loss and is a reactive process caused by stress and hormonal changes. Hair loss treatment for shedding hair is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Scarring alopecia

    Scarring alopecia is a hair loss condition which causes permanent destruction of hair follicles. It's a progressive disease start which small patches and develops all over the scalp. To treat hair loss because of scarring alopecia one can opt a hair transplant to cover the bald patches.