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Milk Is The Basis Of The Milk Production Line

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    Milk is a valuable raw material and the basis of our Milk Production Line. Jimei wants to provide its customers with a high share of added value, so it is natural for us to set the quality and safety standards as high as possible. We place special emphasis on designing supply chains for other raw materials such as cocoa, palm oil and vanilla. Jimei has solved a major problem related to milk as a product not directly related to agriculture.
    Customers expect food safety to reach the highest standards. For all raw materials used and all finished products, Jimei requires and implements product safety standards and corresponding labels. This is ensured by the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) control system, a preventative management system for assessing the hazards and risks of processes and products. It examines the possible health and safety impacts of all products at each step and indicates the potential for improvement. HACCP is applied throughout the life of the product. Jimei also conducts international food standards audits at all locations.
    Action area: value added
    Basis of responsibility in the value chain: Increase the participation of Jimei's suppliers based on social and ecological criteria. The Jimei Corporate Code of Conduct is an integral part of the company's procurement terms and therefore forms the basis for cooperation with all suppliers. The Code of Conduct contains the social and ecological aspects that Jimei suppliers are committed to when signing the terms of purchase. Reporting systems are available to business partners and suppliers.
    By 2020, a focus area is to link sustainability to value creation more closely. Jimei laid the foundation for this in the 2017 strategic review. All six business units now have clear value creation goals. The related goal is to achieve the sustainability concept of the 25% product line by 2020, including all aspects of sustainability from meadow milk, organic milk and non-GM milk to regional concepts.
    Action area: packaging
    Packaging has made a significant contribution to maintaining the quality and safety of our sensitive products. At the same time, packaging is an important aspect of product sustainability for consumers and retailers. The goal is to avoid unnecessary food and packaging waste and improve the recyclability of packaging materials through innovative, environmentally friendly and packaging concepts that are in line with current trends. On this issue, the sustainability management department is working closely with the Packaging Development Department. The goal is to increase the sustainability of packaging materials for three projects by 2020.
    Jimei is the best choice for the majority of dairy companies to purchase equipment. Our UHT Milk Machine can provide fast and efficient work, buy our equipment, we will also optimize the design of your production line, so that you Can get the most profit.